SBA 504 Loan Calculator

Owning is within reach.


Total Project Cost
Source of Funds % of Total Amount Rates Amortization Collateral Monthly Payment Annual Payment
SBA 504 Loan
2nd Deed
Bank 50%
1st Deed
Total 100%

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For more information, please contact:

Will Dendy at 858.472.1322 or


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*Terms and Conditions


Bank rate: Estimated – will vary depending on lender.

SBA 504 rate: Determined on a monthly basis and fixed at the time of the debenture sale. Rate for current month is shown above.

Estimated Fees

Bank fees: Varies depending on lender policy.

SBA fees: 2.15% of the SBA loan plus legal fees are financed and will be included in the SBA loan amount.

Related Costs: Appraisal, environmental reports, and escrow closing costs may be included in the financing.

Legal fees (vary depending on location and SBA loan amount)

    • AZ, CA, and NV:
      1. SBA loan amount less than $2M = $3,500 in legal fees
      2. SBA loan amount over $2M = $5,000 in legal fees
    • Oregon:
      1. SBA loan amount less than $250,000 = $3,500 in legal fees
      2. SBA loan amount is $250,000 to $1M = $5,000 in legal fees
      3. SBA loan amount is $1M to $3M = $7,500 in legal fees
      4. SBA loan amount is $3M or more = $10,000 in legal fees
    • Hawaii:
      1. Any SBA loan amount – $5,000 in legal fees


90% financing generally does not require additional collateral.