San Francisco: SBA Classes Mar.1-11

March 1st, 2010

San Francisco: SBA Classes Mar.1-11


The Small Business Administration offers a variety of classes for business owners in our Entrepreneur Center, located at 455 Market St., 6th Floor in downtown San Francisco.

Registration for all our classes is required.

To register for classes, go to

For more information, please contact Gary Marshall at (415) 744 6771 or

The SBA training program is made possible by the generous support of our volunteer teachers and presenters. We appreciate their time and expertise; however, these presentations do not represent an endorsement of their views, opinions, products, or services by SBA. All SBA programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made, if requested at least 2 weeks in advance. Contact: Gary Marshall at 415 744-6771.

Food Safety Certification


8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

State law requires that specified food facilities employ at least one person who has successfully passed a California State approved and accredited food safety certification exam. Certification is mandatory and re-certification is required every three years. Registration and information is available at


Restaurant Series: Customer Service – Good is Minimum


6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Learn how to hire, motivate and train your employees. Also learn how to define and share responsibilities between owners, managers and employees to achieve your service objectives and run a successful restaurant. Presented by the SF SBDC. $30 registration fee.

Small Business Taxes


3:00 PM-5:00 PM

Save money on your taxes by learning the IRS rules and regulations that apply to small-business owners, and ask your tax questions in this informative, interactive, live seminar covering tax deductions, incorporations, LLC, and commonly used tax strategies. Presented by SF SCORE. Registration fee: $20.

Twitter 101 for Business Owners


6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Using Twitter, you answer the question ‘what are you doing?’ in 140 letters or less, as often as you like. Other people can then sign up to ‘follow’ you and receive your updates. Come to this class and learn what is Twitter; is it right for you or your business; etiquette of Twitter; marketing strategies using Twitter.

Free and Low Cost Resources for Your Business


8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Representatives from SBA, SCORE, the SF SBDC, the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, and the San Francisco Public Library Small Business Center will discuss the resources available.

Starting a Business in San Francisco


10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Hear directly from San Francisco officials. How do you obtain permits? How do you register your business name? Learn what the City can do for you in this one-stop seminar.

Financing Your Business


1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Discover the right way to seek financing for your business. We will discuss loan proposal requirements, financing options and SBA programs.

Business Law Basics


3:30 PM – 5:30 PM

An experienced business lawyer will discuss Choice of Legal Entity (corporations, LLC, partnership, etc.); Intellectual Property; Employee issues; and Real Estate issues. This class does not constitute legal advice.

How to Manage Your Time so it’s You Who Runs the Business, and Not Your Business that Runs You!


6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

We’ll discuss time management techniques that will help you to manage your business so that you’re working smart and not hard! It is possible to have a business and a life, and learning how to be a great manager of time will help you do just that! Here’s some highlights of what you will walk away with: learn to manage interruptions and shave hours off your work week; identify and eliminate “energy drains” and “time suckers” ; learn about single pointed focus; learn to set clear boundaries; learn what to do with your “to do list” so you actually get your tasks accomplished!

Basic Bookkeeping, Part One


1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Topics include cash vs. accrual accounting, proper accounting data flow processes, budgeting, the purpose of different financial reports, the differences in computer accounting systems, cash management, and more. $30 registration fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.

Social Networking to Market Your Business


6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Learn the importance of social networking as a marketing tool for your business; how to establish a dialogue with your customer base; and how to leverage existing social networks. $35 Registration Fee ($40 at the door) Presented by the SF SBDC and SBDC TAP.

Restaurant Series: The Green Restaurant: Incentives & Resources


6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Learn how to design your new restaurant or evolve your existing restaurant to incorporate sustainability advantages and rewards and moral incentives in buying fair trade products and utilizing green design. Registration $30. Presented by the SF SBDC.

Doing Business with Virgin America


9:30 AM – 10:30 AM

A representative from the Virgin American airlines will discuss their procurement system including what goods and services they purchase and their interest in green procurement and minority suppliers.

Doing Business with Chevron


11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Learn the procurement process and opportunities for doing business specifically with Chevron in this informative presentation by a representative of the company.

Doing Business with Cisco Systems


1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

This seminar will focus on how to be successful in offering your products and services to Cisco Systems. We’ll discuss Cisco’s Supplier Diversity program and look at technologies for small growing businesses.

Doing Business with Clorox


4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Learn about the procurement process and the goods and services purchased at The Clorox Company in this informative presentation by a representative of the company.

Maintaining Tax Records


3:00 PM- 5:00 PM

Learn the money-saving tax strategies of the pros, in this fun interactive course, and how to effectively create the tax records necessary for proper IRS reporting. Receive a valuable overview of how to use technology to simplify your life with on-line banking and QuickBooks. Presented by SF SCORE. Registration fee: $20.

How to Manage Your Business and Your Stress


6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Being a small business owner definitely has its stresses, particularly during these tough economic times, but it doesn’t have to be stress-FULL. Learn invaluable tools to successfully manage your stress and your business. Overcome procrastination frustration and become a more effective, focused and fulfilled business owner.

Secrets to Buying and Selling a Business or Franchise


6:30 PM–8:30 PM

Learn how to reduce your risk and improve your chances of success in buying or selling a franchise or existing business. This workshop covers the steps necessary for you to succeed working with professionals, and using simple research and qualification techniques. Topics include choosing the right franchise or business; positioning your business for sale; buyer and seller financing. Presented by SF SCORE. Registration fee: $20.

How to Manage Unemployment Insurance Costs


9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

The Unemployment Insurance tax works like any other insurance premium. The purpose of this seminar is to explain how the UI system works and how you as the employer can manage UI costs. Jointly conducted by the Employment Development Department and the California state Department of Labor Standards Enforcement, this class will cover. More information at (866) 873-6083, register at

Leasing Commercial Space in the Bay Area


6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Learn the best practices for locating and leasing commercial space for your small business. topics covered will include Common Leasing Terms and Definition; What are the best ways to locate Commercial Property in the Bay Area; Negotiating Tips; Common Timeframes.

Basic Bookkeeping, Part Two


1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

We’ll cover balance sheets, incomes statements, cash flow and working capital. Participants should have completed Basic Bookkeeping, Part One, or be familiar with the concepts covered in that seminar. $30 registration fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.

Wholesaling Tips of the Trade


6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Learn the smart way to run a wholesale operation. Areas covered include industry information and networking, cost vs. price, channel conflicts, branding and wholesaling online. $25 registration fee. Presented by the SF Business Development Center.


a weekly feature of events offered by organizations and groups outside SBA. These events are not sponsored by SBA and are not held at our Entrepreneur Center.

Alameda SBDC Presents Retailing 102

Tuesday, March 2 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Berkeley Public Library 2090 Kittredge Street

Berkeley, CA

Retailing 102 focuses on the operational side of retailing. Participants will learn to translate cost and sales data into management information. Topics covered include: maximizing retail space, how to price your product, inventory management, managing product lines, financing and customer valuation.

Information at 510-208-0411

Register at

San Jose State University online survey: Success strategies of small and medium sized firms

Given these challenging times, making the “right” decisions is crucial for growth and survival of small- and medium-sized firms. We wish to understand what are the “right” decisions. To learn more about what contributes to success in a tough economic climate, we will ask you to answer questions regarding you and your business.

We hope that you will find the time to answer our online survey. The results will help to identify success strategies in hard times and to come up with recommendations regarding the optimization of firm processes. If you like, we will be happy to provide you with our results once the study is completed.

The survey should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. All responses will remain confidential.

Please click on the following link to start:

We thank you for time and your participation.


JOBS NOW is a subsidized employment program funded by stimulus dollars and administered by San Francisco Human Services Agency (HSA). HSA will reimburse the cost of 100% of the wages for any JOBS NOW employee you employ through September 30, 2010. Employers are required only to pay for payroll taxes, any fringe benefits that employees typically receive, and supervision of participants. For more information and to access the application, go to, or call 1-877-JOB1NOW Our mailing address:

Small Business Administration

455 Market St., 6th floor

San Francisco CA 94105

Marshall, Gary

SBA Classes March 1 – 11

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