San Francisco SBA Business Seminars and Opportunities (February 21 – March 9 2012)

February 23rd 2012

San Francisco SBA Business Seminars and Opportunities (February 21 – March 9 2012)

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers a variety of classes for business owners in our Entrepreneur Center located at 455 Market Street Suite 600 in downtown San Francisco. View the San Francisco SBA online calendar at: SBA Online Calendar

Registration for all our classes is required. To ensure a printed handout for review along with the instructor during the class or to be notified if the class is cancelled please register at the SF Small Business Development Center registration site: SF Small Business Development Center unless otherwise indicated.

Events: February 21st to March 9th 2012


Project Management


2/21 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

This class will introduce you to the nine elements of project management: Integration Management Scope Management Time Management Cost Management Quality Management Human Resource Management Communication Management Risk Management and Procurement Management.
Presented by the SF SBDC and the Federal Technology Center (call toll free: 866-382-7822).

Understand the Financial Structure of Your Business


2/22 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Success in business requires sound financial planning and the establishment of realistic goals. This seminar enables you to develop an understanding of the financial parameters of your company and provides the tools for making the best financial and planning decisions. The following topics will be covered: Startup Costs; Sales Forecasting; Operating Expenses; Cash Flow; Breakeven Analysis; Financial Reports. $45 registration fee. Presented by SF SCORE.

Free Market Research Tools for Your Business


2/22 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Learn how to use a FREE tool that empowers your small business to: benchmark performance see how you size up by comparing your performance to all other competitors in your industry. Assess competitiveness map where your competitors customers and suppliers are located. Determine how you can best serve existing customers find new customers and pick suppliers. Find best places to advertise determine the best areas to target your next advertising campaign. Free Class. Presented by the SF SBDC

***Business Entity Choice Tax Seminar


2/22 10:00AM -1:00PM offered in SAN JOSE

Doing Business with Chevron


2/22 1:30PM – 2:30PM

Learn the procurement process and opportunities for doing business specifically with Chevron in this informative presentation by a representative of the company.

Maintaining Tax Records


2/22 3:00 PM–5:00 PM

Learn the money-saving tax strategies of the pros in this fun interactive course and learn how to effectively create the tax records necessary for proper IRS reporting. Receive a valuable overview of how to use technology to simplify your life with online banking and QuickBooks. $20 registration fee. Presented by SF SCORE.

Doing Business with Virgin America


2/22 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM

A representative from the Virgin American airlines will discuss their procurement system including what goods and services they purchase and their interest in green procurement and minority suppliers.

Starting Your Own Web Start-up


2/22 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Web start-ups including LinkedIn Facebook and Groupon have changed the way that we use the internet. In this session learn how you can start your own web start-up. We will overview several topics specific to web start-ups including the lean start-up methodology equity financing and incubation web application product development and start-up marketing. Come with an idea for your web start-up.

HUBZone and WOSB Program Certifications


2/23 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

This workshop will explain provisions of the HUBZone Program and the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program. Eligibility requirements application and certification will be explained.

SBA 8(a) BD Certification Workshop


2/23 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

This workshop is for small firms owned by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals interested in being certified for SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Program.

Choosing a Retirement Solution for Your Small Business


2/23 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

The U.S. Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) will provide a presentation focused on choosing a retirement solution for your small business. To ensure a financially secure future it is critical to make the right choices. We can help you start today.

QuickBooks Introduction


2/23 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

This overview will discuss setting-up updating and running financial reports and efficient procedures for entering your accounting data. This is a hands-on workshop. Participants should have complete Basic Bookkeeping Part I or be familiar with the concepts covered in that workshop. $60 Registration fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.

How to Start and Manage a Small Business


2/27 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

This is a comprehensive and unique one-day seminar for both prospective and current business owners who want to gain a better understanding of what they need to know and do to succeed in their business. Learn best practices and insider tips as a moderator and industry experts guide you through the basics of: Business Plans Insuring against Risk Accounting Legal Structures Marketing & Sales and Financing. $75 registration fee. Presented by SF SCORE.

Restaurant Series: Managing Employees Risk and the Law


2/27 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM

In this class you will learn proper recruiting and hiring processes the importance of job descriptions employee vs. independent contractor interviewing do’s and don’ts orientation employee benefits insurance protection and other legal matters. This class is based on real restaurant experiences. $35 Registration Fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.

***SF Small Business Commission & Small Business California – B Corp & Benefit Corp


2/27 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Building Marketing Awareness and Driving Sales


2/28 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Learn the fundamentals for developing a marketing plan and strategy to increase sales. We will cover how to determine the market opportunity for your product or service creating value for your customers using promotional and social media strategies to reach your target customers measuring the effectiveness of promotions and best practices for reaching new customers and keeping existing ones. Vital topics include: Pricing Branding and Positioning Social Media Tools & Strategies Website Tips Lead Tracking Internet Marketing Registration Fee $45 Presented by SF SCORE.

***State Payroll Tax Workshop


2/28 10:00AM-4:00PM offered in SAN JOSE

Small Business Taxes


2/28 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Save money on your taxes by learning the IRS rules and regulations that apply to small-business owners and get answers to your tax questions in this informative interactive live seminar covering tax deductions incorporation LLCs and commonly used tax strategies. $20 registration fee. Presented by SF SCORE.

Creating and Using Your “Elevator Pitch”


2/28 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

All entrepreneurs need to have a clear and engaging elevator pitch. Learn how to have people listen to you understand you and be compelled to help you or seek assistance from your business. Learn the hows why’s and word choice to include in your pitch and most importantly practice saying it. In this interactive class attendees will stand up and read the elevator pitch written try to memorize it and then they ultimately work towards delivering it with confidence.

Skyrocket Your Productivity with Online Tools


2/28 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

In the ever-changing world of technology it’s hard to know what tools will be time-wasters and which ones can actually help you get your work done more effectively. In this seminar we’ll share the tools we use both in our own business and with our clients to help streamline and simplify many common business tasks. Best of all each of the apps sites and tools we share are either FREE or low cost – but all will be able to help you save time stress or money!

Basic Bookkeeping Part One


3/1 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Topics include cash vs. accrual accounting proper accounting data flow processes budgeting the purpose of different financial reports the differences in computer accounting systems cash management and more. $35 registration fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.

Food Safety Certification


3/5 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

State law requires that specified food facilities employ at least one person who has successfully passed a California State approved and accredited food safety certification exam. Certification is mandatory and re-certification is required every five years. Call: 415-781-5348 for more information.

Restaurant Series: Modern Management – Leverage Technology to Drive Improvement


3/5 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Today there are many solutions available to restaurant owners that utilize technology to improve business performance but which ones are the right ones for your business? This workshop explores the different types of technology and solutions that can help you drive revenues reduce cost introduce critical controls drive visibility of information and improve bottom line. $35 Registration Fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.

Federal and State Basic Payroll Tax Seminar


3/6 9:00 AM – 3:00PM

This class guides participants through the basics of that preparation. Subjects include determining independent contractor versus employee withholding taxes deposits and completing the proper forms. Presented by the IRS and the California EDD Tax office. Visit: California Employment Department or call 866 873-6083.

***State Labor Law and Payroll Tax Seminar


3/6 10:00AM to 4:00PM offered in SAN JOSE

Corporations and LLCs Offer Different Options


3/6 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Learn how to make the best use of your corporation or LLC to save money and shield yourself from liabilities. Learn the compliance details of when and how to properly set up your entity including medical insurance plans compensation strategies for tax planning records management and banking. $20 registration fee. Presented by SF SCORE.

<strong?Free and Low Cost Resources for Your Business

3/7 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Representatives from SBA SCORE the SF SBDC the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center Women’s Initiative for Self Employment Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and the San Francisco Public Library Small Business Center will discuss the resources available.

CANCELLED…Starting a Business in San Francisco


3/7 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Hear directly from San Francisco officials. How do you obtain permits? How do you register your business name? Learn what the City can do for you in this one-stop seminar.

Financing Your Business


3/7 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Discover the right way to seek financing for your business. We will discuss loan proposal requirements financing options and SBA programs.

***FREE Small Business Tax Assistance Day


3/7 3:00PM to 8:00PM offered in SAN JOSE

Business Law Basics


3/7 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM

An experienced business lawyer will discuss Choice of Legal Entity (corporations LLC partnership etc.); Intellectual Property; Employee issues; and Real Estate issues. This class does not constitute legal advice.

CANCELLED…Accelerate Your Business using Web Technology


3/7 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

In this class learn about free and cheap website-building platforms choosing the best web design freelancers the mobile and smartphone marketplace customer relations management tools and more.

Finding Venture Capital for Your Business


3/8 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

An experienced business lawyer will discuss the process of seeking Venture Capital funding including how to tell when you’re ready to talk to Venture Capitalists how to find your Venture Capitalist the dos and don’ts of presenting to Venture Capitalists and how a typical Venture Capital deal is structured. This class does not constitute legal advice.

Basic Bookkeeping Part Two


3/8 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM

We’ll cover balance sheets incomes statements cash flow and working capital. Participants should have completed Basic Bookkeeping Part One or be familiar with the concepts covered in that seminar. $35 registration fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.

CANCELLED…Online Display Advertising for Small Businesses


3/8 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

As a result of recent innovations Online Display Advertising has become a potent tool for local businesses. Discover best practices for deploying this rapidly growing and powerful tool for your business. We will examine the evolution of the medium and how best to harness the potential of Online Display Advertising for the small business. Free class. Presented by SF SBDC .

Listed below are events offered by organizations and groups that are not always sponsored by SBA and may or may not be held at the San Francisco Entrepreneur Center


***SF Small Business Commission & Small Business California – B Corp & Benefit Corp 2/27 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM – Please come join us in an event to discuss B Corporation benefit corporation and resources available in San Francisco with Small Business California San Francisco Small Business Commission and benefit corporation policy leaders. Location: Hub San Francisco 901 Mission Street in the S.F. Chronicle Building. Registration Required Visit: Small Business California Events

San Jose Entrepreneur Center Classes – San Jose Entrepreneur Center

***Business Entity Choice Tax Seminar


2/22 10:00AM -1:00PM

This workshop will provide attendees with a tax overview of different business entities that will help you decide which suits your business needs. The tax structure the advantages and the disadvantages of each will be discussed. No Fee. Location: San Jose Entrepreneur Center 100 E. Santa Clara Street San Jose CA 95113 For registration: San Jose Entrepreneur Center Contact Information: Emily Navarra-Refugio 408-351-3661

***State Payroll Tax Workshop


2/28 10:00AM-4:00PM

Who would benefit: • Those seeking hands-on experience in calculating taxes and completing payroll tax forms. • Anyone who has attended a previous Federal/State or State Basic Payroll Tax Seminar. • Those familiar with State payroll tax reporting who would like additional practice. No Fee. Note: Limited to first 10 people. Location: San Jose Entrepreneur Center 100 E. Santa Clara Street San Jose CA 95113 For registration: San Jose Entrepreneur Center Contact Information: Emily Navarra-Refugio 408-351-3661

***State Labor Law and Payroll Tax Seminar


3/6 10:00AM to 4:00PM

You will receive information from the EDD and the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement on: • Recordkeeping reporting requirements employer obligations and payment requirements. • Common wage and hour law application. • Employer and employee rights and responsibilities. • How to distinguish between an employee and an independent contractor. No Fee. Location: San Jose Entrepreneur Center 100 E. Santa Clara Street San Jose CA 95113 For registration: San Jose Entrepreneur Center Contact Information: Emily Navarra-Refugio 408-351-3661

***FREE Small Business Tax Assistance Day


3/7 3:00PM to 8:00PM

Learn about small business tax updates and resources. Workshops on record keeping business organization entities and more! Concurrent Workshops are from 3:00PM-8:00PM and Tax Consulting and Networking: 3:00PM -7:00PM. No Fee. Location: Scottish Rite Center 2455 Masonic Drive San Jose CA 95125 For registration: Eventbrite or complete attached form and email to or fax to: ATTN: BOS at 408-979-0398 by March 5 2012. Contact Information: Call work2future at 1-877-880-1222 or Geraldine Kelly-Brenner at 510-637-3036 or visit: Business Owner Space

If you do not wish to receive future announcements of SBA events please reply to this email with the word “Delete” in the subject line and provide the email address to be deleted.


If you know someone interested in receiving this weekly distribution instruct them to send an email request to to be added to the list. We do not sell rent or trade the names on our email list. Your email address is only used to send messages from the SBA.

If you know someone interested in receiving an electronic “Small Business Start-up Information for Northern California-Your Small Business Resource” English Spanish or Chinese publication instruct them to send an email to .

“A Practical Guide to Doing Business with the Federal Government and Directory of Federal Procurement Offices” (4/2011) available from the SBA San Francisco District Office by email request at

SBA’s International Trade Loan (ITL): Helping Businesses Bring Jobs Home – The SBA’s ITL program provides small businesses with capital to finance their fixed assets including real estate and working capital needs. The program offers private lenders SBA’s highest loan guarantee of 90% guarantee on loans up to $5 million to incentivize lending to small businesses poised for growth. Small businesses may contact their local U.S. Export Assistance Center for further information visit SBA helps small businesses find green contracts grants and partnerships throughout the federal government. It promotes sustainable environmentally friendly procurement practices and lets small businesses share information related to green contracting.

SBA “Open for Business” blog Vist: SBA Blog

Free Small Business Counseling by Appointment…..Call or Click
SF SCORE @ 415-744-6827 or SF Small Business Development Center @ 415-841-4050 or


The SBA training program is made possible by the generous support of our volunteer teachers and presenters. We appreciate their time and expertise; however these presentations do not represent an endorsement of their views opinions products or services by SBA. All SBA programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least 2 weeks in advance.

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