San Francisco: SBA Classes Feb. 15-28
The Small Business Administration offers a variety of classes for business owners in our Entrepreneur Center, located at 455 Market St., 6th Floor in downtown San Francisco.
The SBA training program is made possible by the generous support of our volunteer teachers and presenters. We appreciate their time and expertise; however, these presentations do not represent an endorsement of their views, opinions, products, or services by SBA. All SBA programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made, if requested at least 2 weeks in advance. Contact: Gary Marshall at 415 744-6771.
To register for classes, go to For more information, please contact Gary Marshall at (415) 744 6771 or
How to Quickly Attract Your Prospect’s Attention 2/17 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM What is your prospect most interested in? Whatever it is, this should be the first thing you address in all of your marketing communication (i.e. print, online and in-person). You need to come right to the key point. Then, explain further. In a world of short attention spans, you need to assume you will only have a few seconds to catch someone’s interest before they move on.
Small Business Marketing Plans That Work 2/17 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM A business’ success or failure depends on identifying and understanding its customers-who they are, what motivates them, how to attract their business, etc. In this class you will learn practical techniques to properly identify your target market and how to develop a strategic marketing plan to reach those target markets. Understanding these critical elements of business will prepare you for maximizing your productivity and profitability. $30 registration fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.
Federal and State Basics of Payroll Tax 2/18 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Correct payroll preparation is crucial to a small business’s survival. This class guides participants through the basics of that preparation. Subjects include determining independent contractor versus employee, withholding taxes, deposits and completing the proper forms. Presented by the IRS and the California EDD Tax office.
Renaissance Center Fashion Industry Network workshop series 2/18 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM This workshop is for apparel and accessory business owners. Registration $30 per class at
Basic Bookkeeping, Part Three 2/19 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM Learn how to find out where all your cash has gone and how to forecast how much cash you will have in the bank. Topics include developing a budget, statement of cash flow analysis, and developing a cash forecast. Participants should have complete Basic Bookkeeping Part I or be familiar with the concepts covered in that seminar. $30 registration fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.
How to Start and Manage a Small Business 2/23 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM This is a comprehensive and unique one-day seminar for both prospective and current business owners who want to gain a better understanding of what they need to know and do to succeed in their business. Learn best practices and insider tips as a moderator and six experts guide you through the basics of Business Plans; Insuring Against Risk; Accounting; Legal Structures; Sales & Marketing; Financing. $50 registration fee in advance; or $60 on day of event. For information, contact SCORE at (415) 744-6827, register at
Maximize Your Web Site Traffic And Sales: Search Engine Optimization And Web Analytics 2/23 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Getting customers to your Web site involves much more than merely designing an interesting site for them to visit. In this class you will learn how to optimize your Web site to ensure the highest possible placing on the key search engines, and thus ensure more traffic. By learning how to use Web analytics you will also learn how to keep your customers on your site once they are there, and how to ensure the maximum conversion rates for site visitors into paying customers. Registration $35.00 online, $40.00 on the door. Presented by the SF SBDC.
Small Business Taxes 2/24 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Save money on your taxes by learning the IRS rules and regulations that apply to small business owners, and ask your tax questions in this informative, interactive, live seminar covering tax deductions, incorporations, LLC, and commonly used tax strategies. $20 registration fee in advance; or $25 day of event. For information, contact SCORE at (415) 744-6827, register at
Maintaining Tax Records for Small Business 2/24 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Learn how to effectively create the tax records necessary for proper IRS reporting. Receive a valuable overview of how to use Technology to Better Manage Business; Online Banking; QuickBooks; Incorporation or LLC as a Tax-Planning Tool. $20 registration fee in advance; or $25 day of event. For information, contact SCORE at (415) 744-6827, register at
How to Manage Unemployment Insurance Costs 2/25 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM The Unemployment Insurance tax works like any other insurance premium. The purpose of this seminar is to explain how the UI system works and how you as the employer can manage UI costs. Jointly conducted by the Employment Development Department and the California state Department of Labor Standards Enforcement, this class will cover. More information at (866) 873-6083, register at
Taxes and Your Business, How to Prepare Schedule C 2/25 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Prepare your business taxes for ’08 and get ready for ‘09. Review what the IRS wants to know from you and how to report it on the Schedule C for your business. This is a class for business owners who need a basic understanding of their 1040 Schedule C tax forms. We’ll also talk about what to do with the numbers once you have them. We don’t guarantee you won’t get audited, but this class will make it less likely.
SBA Certification Workshop 2/26 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM This workshop is for small firms owned by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals interested in being certified for SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Program. The program’s goal is to promote the firm’s competitiveness in the American economy through business development. Other certifications are discussed. Contact (415) 744-6808 for more information.
QuickBooks Introduction 2/26 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Learn the basics of this useful and flexible accounting & bookkeeping application. This overview will discuss setting-up, updating and maintaining customer, vendor, account, and other lists, running financial reports, and efficient procedures for entering your accounting data. Exercises include entering invoices, customer payments, deposits, bills, cash disbursements, and other transactions. Additional topics include setting-up budget, account statement reconciliation, bank reconciliation, and more. This is a hands-on workshop. Participants should have complete Basic Bookkeeping Part I or be familiar with the concepts covered in that workshop. $60 Registration fee. Presented by the SF SBDC.
Restaurant Series: The Green Restaurant: Incentives, Examples & Resources 2/26 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM We will look at going green with foodservice. Learn how to design your new restaurant or evolve your existing restaurant to incorporate sustainability advantages and rewards. We will also look at the social, economic and moral incentives in buying fair trade products and utilizing green design. Registration $30.
OUR PARTNERS PRESENT: A weekly feature of events offered by organizations and groups outside SBA. These events are not sponsored by SBA and are not held at our Entrepreneur Center.
ALSO East Bay Small Business Training The East Bay SBDC offers more than 20 different seminars that teach entrepreneurs and business leaders how to implement new strategies, skills and ideas across varied business disciplines; workshops tailored to fit entrepreneurs in any stage of the business development process.
Check out the SBDC training in a city near you
ALSO Small Business 2009 Survey Please see link to our Small Business California (SB-Cal) Survey of California small businesses. Last year we received 630 responses from every county in the state. Please take a moment to complete and forward to other small business owners you know. The results will form our SB-Cal agenda for 2009.
Since 2004 this survey has been an important tool for educating elected officials and policy makers about the concerns and challenges faced by small business owners in California
Survey Link:
ALSO Apparel Entrepreneurial Business Course From Design Concept to Consumer
Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22, 200 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM – Saturday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM – Sunday
Designed by experienced professionals with a track record of success, to assist designers and new apparel companies achieve their goals of becoming a successful and profitable company, this 11 hour course has been created to guide the apparel entrepreneur through the many complex parts of starting and operating an apparel company.
Topics covered include: How to turn your creative ideas into an apparel business What licenses you need and how to get them Legal issues and how to set up your company How to determine your funding needs and where to find financing Setting the course for success with a sound business plan How to get your samples made Finding the right manufacturer and how to protect your IP Pricing and how to ensure profitability and margins for growth Trade shows and what you need to know Sales, marketing and branding your product How to protect your cash flow in tough economic times How to create budgets needed to ensure your business stays on a successful course
Where: One Hallidie Plaza Suite # 406 (Opposite Powell St. BART station off Market St.) San Francisco, CA
Registration Fees: EARLY BIRD – Non Members (before Feb. 13th) $250.00 EARLY BIRD – Members (before Feb. 13th) $200.00 FBI Members & Students-proof of enrollment (after Feb. 13th) $225.00 Non Members (after Feb. 13th) $295.00
Sign up: On-line at or call (213) 892-1669
Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, 275 5th Street, San Francisco, 94103. 415-541-8580.
Fashion Business Incorporated, 127 E 9th Street Suite 212, Los Angeles, CA 90015. 213-892-1669
LGBT Business Plan Loan Factory Presented by the SF LGBT Community Center This 5-week workshop series takes place on Tuesday mornings from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Classes start on Feb. 24, 2009 This program is free, but space is limited! RSVP to or 415-865-5611
The “LGBT Business Plan Loan Factory” is for business owners and motivated entrepreneurs who need financing to start or grow their businesses. The Loan Factory will help entrepreneurs understand what is involved in the loan application process, and it will feature leading experts who will review all of the elements of the loan package.
The Loan Factory will help business owners understand their financial statements, their marketplace, their competition, and their capacity for repayment. The Loan Factory will help you prepare your presentation, and in the process, you will understand your business better.
At the end of the five-week workshop series, each participant will have the opportunity to make a 10-20 minute presentation to an expert panel that includes venture capitalists, micro lenders, SBA lenders, and private sector small business lenders.
Further loan packaging and post-loan technical assistance will be provided to those clients who qualify for financing. To register or for more information, please contact Tracey Williams at 415.865.5611 or
The San Francisco LGBT Community Center is located at 1800 Market Street (@ Octavia). Visit for directions.
ALSO Business Law Basics Presented by Legal Services for Entrepreneurs
Wednesday, February 25 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM The San Francisco LGBT Community Center 1800 Market Street @ Octavia
Business Law Basics will cover a variety of legal issues and concerns including: Legal corporate formation Leases Employee issues Trademark/copyright/patent issues The presentation lasts two hours, with time allotted for questions throughout.
RSVP: E-mail or call 415.865-5515 for further information.
This Free Workshop is Sponsored the San Francisco LGBT Community Center’s Business Development Program and the Golden Gate Business Association.
Legal Services for Entrepreneurs (LSE) is an economic justice project of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area. LSE provides free business legal services to: low-income individuals, including women and persons of color, who want to start or develop for-profit businesses; and for-profit businesses committed to community economic development.
The Center’s Business Development Program helps LGBT entrepreneurs in San Francisco develop their business plans by providing access to a full spectrum of business assistance services including access to small business loans for qualified businesses. Free, one-on-one counseling is available by appointment. For more information call 415-865-5515 or e-mail Ken Stram, The Center’s Economic Development Director, at for an appointment.
The GGBA: For thirty years, the GGBA has served as a dynamic voice for the Bay Area’s LGBT businesses. The GGBA provides members with networking and mentoring opportunities, informal business advice, business leads and referrals. For more information about the GGBA or any of its programs, please call us at 415-865-5545, or visit
ALSO Help spread the word about your experiences with our training. Please post your notes about us on Yelp at SBA Yelp reviews.